Saturday, May 29, 2021

Economic Update by Claudia Hansen Have a great holiday weekend!

#housingmarket #rodeorealty #realtor #repost #stockmarket #economy #interestrates #losangeles #buyingahome #sellingyourhouse #springrealestate

Friday, May 28, 2021

Homes Across the Country Are Selling Fast [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights * In today’s whirlwind real estate market, houses are selling at astonishing speed – from sea to shining sea. * Four years ago, the average house spent 39 days on the market. Two years ago, homes were on the market for about 24 days. Today, that number has dropped to just 17 short days. * If you’re looking to sell your house quickly and on the best possible terms, today’s market can’t be beat. Let’s connect to discuss how to secure a speedy, top-dollar sale for your house.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Cash In on Today's Housing Demand by Selling Your Second Home

Cash In on Today's Housing Demand by Selling Your Second Home

This is a great time to cash in on an unprecedented demand for houses. Let's connect if you're ready to liquidate your portfolio while buyers are actively in the market.

#housingmarket #rodeorealty #realtor #repost #stockmarket #economy #interestrates #losangeles #buyingahome #sellingyourhouse #springrealestate #secondhome #timetosell

How Misunderstandings about Affordability Could Cost You

There’s a lot of discussion about affordability as home prices continue to appreciate rapidly. Even though the most recent index on affordability from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) shows homes are more affordable today than the historical average, some still have concerns about whether or not it’s truly affordable to buy a home right […]

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Buying a Home Is Still Affordable

The last year has put emphasis on the importance of one’s home. As a result, some renters are making the jump into homeownership while some homeowners are re-evaluating their current house and considering a move to one that better fits their current lifestyle. Understanding how housing affordability works and the main market factors that impact […]

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Where Do Experts Say the Housing Market Is Heading?

As we enter the middle of 2021, many are wondering if we’ll see big changes in the housing market during the second half of this year. Here’s a look at what some experts have to say about key factors that will drive the industry and the economy forward in the months to come. “. […]

Monday, May 24, 2021

3 Things To Prioritize When Selling Your House

Today’s housing market is full of unprecedented opportunities. High buyer demand paired with record-low housing inventory is creating the ultimate sellers’ market, which means it’s a fantastic time to sell your house. However, that doesn’t mean sellers are guaranteed success no matter what. There are still some key things to know so you can avoid […]

Friday, May 21, 2021

Americans Choose Real Estate as the Best Investment [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights * For the eighth year in a row, real estate maintained its position as the preferred long-term investment among Americans. * Real estate has been gaining ground against stocks, gold, and savings accounts over the last 11 years and now stands at its highest rating in survey history. * Let’s connect if you’re ready to make real estate your best investment this year.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

It's Critical To Be Prepared for a Bidding War

In today's housing market, it's critical to be prepared for a bidding war. Let's connect to discuss how we can make your offer a quick and competitive one.

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Should I Move or Refinance?

The level of equity homeowners have is at an all-time high. According to the U.S. Census, over 38% of owner-occupied homes are owned free and clear, meaning they don’t have a mortgage. Those with a mortgage are seeing their equity skyrocket too. Every time real estate values increase, homeowners get a dollar-for-dollar gain in their […]

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Sellers Are Ready To Enter the Housing Market

One of the biggest questions in real estate today is, “When will sellers return to the housing market?” An ongoing shortage of home supply has created a hyper-competitive environment for hopeful buyers, leading to the ultimate sellers’ market. However, as the economy continues to improve and more people get vaccinated, more sellers may finally be […]

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Americans See Real Estate as a Better Investment Than Stocks or Gold

Last month, in a post on the Liberty Street Economics blog, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York noted that Americans believe buying a home is definitely or probably a better investment than buying stocks. Last week, a Gallup Poll reaffirmed those findings. In an article on the current real estate market, Gallup reports: “Gallup […]

Monday, May 17, 2021

Don’t Forget to Budget for Closing Costs

When buying a home, it’s important to have a budget and make sure you plan ahead for certain homebuying expenses. Saving for a down payment is the main cost that comes to mind for many, but budgeting for the closing costs required to get a mortgage is just as important. What Are Closing Costs? According […]

Friday, May 14, 2021

Why Is This Spring a Great Time to Sell Your House?

If you're in a position to sell your house, the market is clearly in your favor. Let's connect today to get your house sold this spring.

#springrealestate #sellyourhouse #timetosell

When It Comes To Selling a House, Your Time Is Money [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights * Selling a house is no small task. If you decide to try to do it on your own, keep in mind you’ll be responsible for all the expert-level work of a real estate professional. * The vital tasks an agent manages for you include listing and marketing your house, handling legal documentation, negotiating with all parties, and navigating local laws and regulations. * If you’re ready to sell while the market is in your favor, let’s connect to make sure you have the professional expertise you need every step of the way.

Your House Could Be the Oasis in an Inventory Desert

Homebuyers are flooding the housing market right now to take advantage of record-low mortgage rates. Many have a sense of urgency to find a home soon since experts forecast a steady rise in both rates and home prices this year and next. As a result, buyer demand greatly outweighs the current housing supply. Here’s how […]

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

It’s Not Too Late To Apply For Forbearance

Over the past year, the pandemic made it challenging for some homeowners to make their mortgage payments. Thankfully, the government initiated a forbearance program to provide much-needed support. Unless they’re extended once again, some of these plans and the corresponding mortgage payment deferral options will expire soon. That said, there’s still time to request assistance. […]

Monday, May 10, 2021

3 Graphs Showing Why You Should Sell Your House Now

There’s no doubt that 2021 is the year of the seller when it comes to the housing market. If you’re a homeowner thinking of moving to better suit your changing needs, now is the perfect time to do so. Low mortgage rates are in your favor when you’re ready to purchase your dream home, and […]

Friday, May 7, 2021

The Power of Mortgage Pre-Approval [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights  * Mortgage pre-approval means a lender has reviewed your finances and, based on factors like your income, debt, and credit history, determined how much you’re qualified to borrow. * Being pre-approved for a loan can give you clarity while planning your homebuying budget, confidence in your ability to secure a loan, and a competitive edge in a bidding war. * In today’s market, connecting with a lender to get pre-approved may be the game-changer that helps you secure your dream home.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Americans Have Their Hearts Set on Homeownership

Americans Have Their Hearts Set on Homeownership

It's a great time to make the dream of homeownership a reality. Let's connect if your heart is set on homeownership this year.

#rodeorealty #realtor #repost #stockmarket #losangeles #Americandream #buyingahome #homeownership

Why Waiting to Buy a Home Could Cost You a Small Fortune

Many people are sitting on the fence trying to decide if now’s the time to buy a home. Some are renters who have a strong desire to become homeowners but are unsure if buying right now makes sense. Others may be homeowners who are realizing that their current home no longer fits their changing needs. […]

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Are Interest Rates Expected to Rise Over the Next Year?

So far this year, mortgage rates continue to hover around 3%, encouraging many hopeful homebuyers to enter the housing market. However, there’s a good chance rates will increase later this year and going into 2022, ultimately making it more expensive to borrow money for a home loan. Here’s a look at what several experts have […]

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

4 Big Incentives for Homeowners to Sell Now

The housing market keeps sailing along. The only headwind that could take it off course is the lack of inventory for sale. The National Association of Realtors (NAR) reports that there were 410,000 fewer single-family homes for sale this March than in March of 2020. The key to continued success in the residential housing market […]

Monday, May 3, 2021

Americans Find the Nonfinancial Benefits of Homeownership Most Valuable

Homeownership is a foundational part of the American Dream. As we look back on more than a year of sheltering in our homes, having a place of our own is more important than ever. While financial benefits are always a key aspect of homeownership, today, homeowners rank the nonfinancial and personal benefits with even higher […]