Wednesday, June 30, 2021

What Do Experts See on the Horizon for the Second Half of the Year?

As we move into the latter half of the year, questions about what’s to come are top of mind for buyers and sellers. Near record-low mortgage rates coupled with rising home price appreciation kicked off a robust housing market in the first half of 2021, but what does the forecast tell us about what’s on […]

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

What To Expect as Appraisal Gaps Grow

In today’s real estate market, low inventory and high demand are driving up home prices. As many as 54% of homes are getting offers over the listing price, based on the latest Realtors Confidence Index from the National Association of Realtors (NAR). Shawn Telford, Chief Appraiser at CoreLogic, elaborates: “The frequency of buyers being willing […]

Monday, June 28, 2021

Save Time and Effort by Selling with an Agent

Selling a house is a time-consuming process – especially if you decide to do it on your own, known as a For Sale By Owner (FSBO). From conducting market research to reviewing legal documents, handling negotiations, and more, it’s an involved and highly detailed process that requires a lot of expertise to navigate effectively. That’s […]

Friday, June 25, 2021

Are You Thinking About Selling Your House Soon?   

It’s difficult to know when is the best time to sell, or how to get the most money for your house, but you don’t need to go through the process alone.

You may be wondering if prices are projected to rise or fall…or how much competition you may be facing in your market. The free eGuide below will answer many of your questions and likely bring up a few things you haven’t even thought about yet.

#Dreamhomes #LuxuryRealEstate #RodeoRealty

Homebuyers: Hang in There [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights * Today’s sellers’ market provides unique challenges—and benefits—for buyers. * Current low interest rates won’t last forever, and home prices are forecast to rise. * If you’re a homebuyer, hang in there. Homeownership improves your quality of life, and the long-term benefits outweigh the short-term challenges.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Tips for Todays Sellers

Even in today's ultimate sellers' market, it's key to have an expert guide when you sell your house. Let's connect to optimize your home sale this summer.

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Demand for Vacation Homes Is Still Strong

The pandemic created a tremendous interest in vacation homes across the country. Throughout the last year, many people purchased second homes as a safe getaway from the challenges of the health crisis. With many professionals working from home and many students taking classes remotely, it made sense to see a migration away from cities and […]

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Homeowner Wealth Increases Through Growing Equity This Year

Building financial wealth and stability remains one of the top reasons Americans choose to own a home, and as a homeowner, your wealth often grows without you even realizing it. In a recent paper published by the Urban Institute, Home Ownership is Affordable Housing, author Mike Loftin illustrates how homeowners increase their equity and their […]

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Pre-Approval Makes All the Difference When Buying a Home

You may have been told that it’s important to get pre-approved at the beginning of the homebuying process, but what does that really mean, and why is it so important? Especially in today’s market, with rising home prices and high buyer competition, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of your budget so you stand […]

Monday, June 21, 2021

5 Things Homebuyers Need To Know When Making an Offer

When it comes to buying a house, you’re looking for the perfect place to call home. The problem is, in today’s market there just aren’t that many homes available to purchase. With inventory hovering near record lows and sky-high buyer demand, a multi-offer scenario is the new normal. Here are five things to keep in […]

Friday, June 18, 2021

Owning a Home Has Distinct Financial Benefits Over Renting [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights * When you rent, you build your landlord’s wealth, your monthly payment depends on ever-rising rents, and you don’t benefit from home price appreciation. * On the other hand, when you own your home, you build your own wealth, your monthly payment is locked in, and you benefit directly from home price appreciation. * If you’re feeling the challenges of a competitive market, remember that homeownership is a long-term game. Persevering today will lead to financial rewards in the future.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Housing Wealth: The Missing Piece of the Affordability Equation

The real estate market is soaring today. Residential home values are rising, and that’s a big win for homeowners. In 2020, there was a double-digit increase in home values – a trend that’s expected to head toward similar levels this year. However, skyrocketing prices are causing some to start questioning affordability in the current housing […]

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Don’t Wait To Sell Your House

We’re in the ultimate sellers’ market right now. If you’re a homeowner thinking about selling, you have a huge advantage in today’s housing market. High buyer demand paired with very few houses for sale makes this the optimal time to sell for those who are ready to do so. Whatever the move you want to […]

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Hope Is on the Horizon for Today’s Housing Shortage

The major challenge in today’s housing market is that there are more buyers looking to purchase than there are homes available to buy. Simply put, supply can’t keep up with demand. A normal market has a 6-month supply of homes for sale. Anything over that indicates it’s a buyers’ market, but an inventory level below […]

Monday, June 14, 2021

The Right Expert Will Guide You Through This Unprecedented Market

In a normal market, it’s good to have an experienced guide coaching you through the process of buying or selling a home. That person can advise you on important things like pricing your home correctly or the first steps to take when you’re ready to buy. However, the market we’re in today is far from […]

Friday, June 11, 2021

Have Your Day in the Sun by Moving Up This Summer [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights * Longer days and sunny weather mean summer is upon us, and what better conditions than right now to upgrade to the home of your dreams? * If your needs have changed, it’s a great time to upgrade – there’s likely high demand for your current house, and today’s low mortgage rates can help you afford your dream home. * If you’re ready to upgrade to a home that matches your changing needs, let’s connect today.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Thinking of Buying or Selling a Home This Year

Thinking of Buying or Selling a Home This Year?

The latest editions of the home buying and selling guides are now available. Let's connect so you can get the latest digital copies.

#buyingahome #sellingyourhouse #realestateguide #rodeorealty #realtor #repost #stockmarket #economy #interestrates #losangeles #buyingahome #springrealestate

Why This Is Not Like 2008 Again

During the Great Recession, just over a decade ago, the financial systems the world depended on started to collapse. It created a panic that drove some large companies out of business (ex. Lehman Brothers) and many more into bankruptcy. The financial crisis that accompanied the current pandemic caused hardship to certain industries and hurt many […]

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Home Price Appreciation Is as Simple as Supply and Demand

Home price appreciation continues to accelerate. Today, prices are driven by the simple concept of supply and demand. Pricing of any item is determined by how many items are available compared to how many people want to buy that item. As a result, the strong year-over-year home price appreciation is simple to explain. The demand […]

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

In Today’s Market, Listing Prices Are Like an Auction’s Reserve Price

For generations, the process of buying and selling a home never really changed. A homeowner would try to estimate the market value of their house, then tack on a little extra to give themselves some negotiating room. That figure would become the listing price. Buyers would then try to determine how much less than the full price […]

Monday, June 7, 2021

Why You May Want To Cash in on Your Second Home

When stay-at-home mandates were enforced last year, many households realized their homes didn’t really fulfill their new lifestyle needs. An office (in some cases two), a media room, space for children to learn, a gym, and a large yard are all examples of amenities that became highly desirable almost overnight. Zelman & Associates recently reported […]

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Economic update for the week ending June 5, 2021  

Stocks higher again this week - Stocks markets ended the week back up to near all-time highs.  The May Job’s Report showed that new jobs rebounded to over double the number of new jobs created in April, and the unemployment rate dropped to the lowest level since the start of the pandemic.  The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed the week at 34,756.39, up, 0.7% from 34,529.45 last week. It is up 13.5% year-to-date. The S&P 500 closed the week at 4,229.81, up 0.6% from 4,204.11 last week. It is up 12.4% year-to-date. The NASDAQ closed the week at 13,814.49, up 0.7% from 13,748.24 last week. It is up 7.3% year-to-date.    

U.S. Treasury bond yields - The 10-year treasury bond closed the week yielding 1.56%, down from 1.58% last week. The 30-year treasury bond yield ended the week at 2.24%, down from 2.26% last week. We watch bond yields because mortgage rates often follow treasury bond yields.     

Mortgage rates - The June 3, 2021, Freddie Mac Primary Mortgage Survey reported mortgage rates for the most popular loan products as follows: The 30-year fixed mortgage rate was 2.99%, up slightly from 2.95% last week. The 15-year fixed was 2.27%, unchanged from 2.27% last week. The 5-year ARM was 2.64%, up from 2.59% last week.   

U.S. employers added 559,000 jobs in May - The Department of Labor and Statics reported that 559,000 new jobs were added in May. That was over double the 226,000 new jobs added in April. It should be noted that April’s 226,000 was only one quarter of the number of jobs experts had predicted and left investors wondering if the expansion was stalling. Analysts had still expected 671,000 new jobs would be added in May, so while better than April, it still fell short of expectations. The unemployment rate was 5.8% in May, down from 6.1% in April.    Have a great weekend!

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Friday, June 4, 2021

Top Reasons To Own Your Home [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights * June is National Homeownership Month, and it’s a great time to consider the benefits of owning your own home. * If you’re thinking of buying a home, it might just help you find the stability, community, and comfort you’ve been searching for over the past year. * Let’s connect today to determine if homeownership is the right next step for you.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

There's Still Time To Take Advantage of Historically Low Mortgage Rates

There's Still Time To Take Advantage of Historically Low Mortgage Rates

Today's mortgage rates are still incredibly low compared to the historical norm. Let's connect so you can strike while the iron is hot.

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Dreaming of a Bigger Home? Why Not Buy It This Year?

Are you clamoring for extra rooms or a more functional floorplan in your house? Maybe it’s time to make a move. If you’ll be able to work remotely for the long-term or your overall needs have simply changed, it’s a great time to sell your house and move up. Why? With mortgage rates in their […]

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

What’s Motivating People To Move Right Now?

This year, Americans are moving for a variety of reasons. The health crisis has truly reshaped our lifestyles and our needs. Spending so much more time in our current homes has driven many people to reconsider what homeownership means and what they find most valuable in their living spaces. According to the 2020 Annual National […]