Thursday, December 30, 2021

Why Selling Your House with a Real Estate Professional Is Essential

Selling your house is no simple task. And when you sell on your own – known as a FSBO (or For Sale by Owner) – you’re responsible for handling some of the more difficult aspects of the process without the expert guidance you need. The 2021 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers from the National […]

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Expert Insights on the 2022 Housing Market

As we move into 2022, both buyers and sellers are wondering, what’s next? Will there be more homes available to buy? Will prices keep climbing? How high will mortgage rates go? For the answer to those questions and more, we turn to the experts. Here’s a look at what they say we can expect in […]

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

5 Tips for Making Your Best Offer on a Home

As a buyer in a sellers’ market, sometimes it can feel like you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. When you’re ready to make an offer on a home, remember these five easy tips to help you rise above the competition. 1. Know Your Budget Knowing your budget and what you can afford […]

Monday, December 27, 2021

Key Things To Avoid After Applying for a Mortgage

Once you’ve found your dream home and applied for a mortgage, there are some key things to keep in mind before you close. It’s exciting to start thinking about moving in and decorating your new place, but before you make any large purchases, move your money around, or make any major life changes, be sure […]

Thursday, December 23, 2021

When a House Becomes a Home

It’s clear that owning a home makes financial sense. But lately, the emotional side of what drives homeownership is becoming increasingly important. No matter the living space, the feeling of a home means different things to different people. Whether it’s a familiar scent or a favorite chair, the feel-good connections to our own homes can […]

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

The Perks of Putting 20% Down on a Home

If you’re thinking of buying a home, you’re probably wondering what you need to save for your down payment. Is it 20% of the loan, or could you put down less? While there are lower down payment programs available that allow qualified buyers to put down as little as 3.5%, it’s important to understand the […]

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

The Average Homeowner Gained $56,700 in Equity over the Past Year

When you think of homeownership, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Chances are you might focus on the non-financial benefits, like the security or stability a home provides. But what about equity? While it can be overlooked, a homeowner’s equity helps build long-term wealth over time. Here’s a look at what equity is […]

Monday, December 20, 2021

Homebuyers: Be Ready To Act This Winter

To succeed as a buyer in today’s market, it’s important to understand which market trends will have the greatest impact on your home search. Danielle Hale, Chief Economist at, says there are two factors every buyer should keep their eyes on: “Going forward, the conditions buyers face are primarily dependent on two things: mortgage […]

Friday, December 17, 2021

2022 Housing Market Forecast [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights * What does the coming year hold for the housing market? Here’s what experts project for 2022. * Mortgage rates are projected to rise and so are home prices. Experts are forecasting buyer demand will remain strong as people try to capitalize on rates and prices before they climb, creating another strong year for home sales. * Let’s connect so you can make your best move in the new year.

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Homebuyers Are Going on a Shopping Spree This Winter

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over, which means some shoppers have wrapped up their holiday buying. But there’s still a group of buyers that are very active this holiday season – homebuyers. Experts anticipate the real estate market will see a flurry of activity this winter, and that’s great news for today’s sellers. If […]

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

What Everyone Wants To Know: Will Home Prices Decline in 2022?

If you’re thinking of buying a home in today’s housing market, you may be wondering how strong your investment will be. You might be asking yourself: if I buy a home now, will it lose value? Or will it continue to appreciate going forward? The good news is, according to the experts, home prices are […]

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Advice for First-Generation Homebuyers

The sense of pride you’ll feel when you purchase a home can’t be overstated. For first-generation homebuyers, that feeling of accomplishment is even greater. That’s because the pride of homeownership for first-generation buyers extends far beyond the homebuyer. AJ Barkley, Head of Neighborhood and Community Lending for Bank of America, says: “Achieving this goal can […]

Monday, December 13, 2021

If You Think the Housing Market Will Slow This Winter, Think Again.

From the opportunity to take advantage of today’s low mortgage rates to changing homeowner needs, Americans have more motivation than ever to buy a home. According to the experts, buyers are making moves right now, creating an unseasonably strong housing market for this time of year. As we wrap up the fall season and move […]

Friday, December 10, 2021

A Happy Tail: Pets and the Homebuying Process [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights * It’s no secret that we love our furry friends - about 70% of U.S. households have pets. What may come as a surprise is how large a role they play in the homebuying process. * Americans spend $1,163 a year on their pets, and nearly half of pet owners say they would move for better accommodations and amenities for their pets. * If you’re thinking of adding a furry friend, or if you already have, let’s connect to discuss how you can find a home that meets all your pet’s needs.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Two Reasons Why Waiting To Buy a Home Will Cost You

If you’re a homeowner who’s decided your current house no longer fits your needs, or a renter with a strong desire to become a homeowner, you may be hoping that waiting until next year could mean better market conditions to purchase a home. To determine whether you should buy now or wait another year, you […]

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Struggling To Find a Home To Buy? New Construction May Be an Option.

There’s no question that the financial benefits of selling a house are outstanding today. Now is truly a great time to list if you’re ready to make a change. But if you do sell your house right now, you may be wondering where you’ll go when you move. With so few homes available to buy […]

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Why It Just Became Much Easier To Buy a Home

Since the pandemic began, Americans have reevaluated the meaning of the word home. That’s led some renters to realize the many benefits of homeownership, including the feelings of security and stability and the financial benefits that come with rising home equity. At the same time, many current homeowners have decided their house no longer meets […]

Monday, December 6, 2021

Win When You Sell (And When You Move)

If you’re trying to decide when to sell your house, there may not be a better time than this winter. Selling this season means you can take advantage of today’s strong sellers’ market when you make a move. Win When You Sell Right now, conditions are very favorable for current homeowners looking for a change. […]

Friday, December 3, 2021

A Checklist for Selling Your House This Winter [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights * If you’re planning to sell your house this winter, you’ll want it to look its best inside and out. * Take the time and focus on tasks that make it inviting, show it’s cared for, and boost your curb appeal. * Let’s connect so you have an expert opinion on what to focus on, so it shows well and catches a buyer’s eye.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Tips for Single Homebuyers: How To Make Your Dream a Reality

If you’re living on your own and looking to buy a home, know that you can make your dream a reality with thoughtful planning and the right team of experts. Research from Freddie Mac shows 28% of all households (36.1 million) are sole-person, and that number is growing. Over the past 40 years, the number […]

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

How To Think Strategically as a Buyer in Today’s Market

The game of chess can provide incredible lessons to apply to all aspects of life, including the homebuying process. Chess requires you to plan and think about your strategy from the very beginning of the game. The homebuying process, like chess, requires strategy and planning. Here are a few things to keep in mind to […]