Monday, January 31, 2022

Owning Is More Affordable than Renting in the Majority of the Country

If you were thinking about buying a home this year, but already pressed pause on your plans due to rising home prices and increasing mortgage rates, there’s something you should consider. According to the latest report from ATTOM Data, owning a home is more affordable than renting in the majority of the country. The 2022 […]

Friday, January 28, 2022

Why Your Home Inspection Matters [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights * Buying a home and wondering if your inspection is necessary? While some buyers may decide to waive their inspection, it’s risky decision. * Your home inspection is a crucial step in the homebuying process. It assesses the condition of the home you plan to purchase, so you can avoid costly surprises down the road. * Let’s connect so you have expert advice and a trusted professional who will keep your interests top of mind.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Why Right Now Is a Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity for Sellers

If you’re thinking about selling your house in 2022, you truly have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity at your fingertips. When selling anything, you always hope for strong demand for the item coupled with a limited supply. That maximizes your leverage when you’re negotiating the sale. Home sellers are in that exact situation right now. Here’s why. […]

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Are You a Homeowner Thinking About Climate Change?

Americans are more aware than ever of the effects climate change and natural disasters can have on their homes. According to a report from “More than 3 in 4 recent buyers, 78%, took [natural disasters] into account when choosing the locations of their homes, . . .” The study also found that many existing […]

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

The Next Generation of Homebuyers Is Here

Many members of Generation Z (Gen Z) are aging into adulthood and deciding whether to rent or buy a home. If you find yourself in this group, it’s important to understand you’re never too young to start thinking about homeownership. The sooner you start planning, the sooner you can move on from renting. As you […]

Monday, January 24, 2022

Why Pre-Approval Is Key for Homebuyers in 2022

You may have heard that it’s important to get pre-approved for a mortgage at the beginning of the homebuying process, but what does that really mean, and why is it so important? Especially in today’s market, with rising home prices and high buyer competition, it’s crucial to have a pre-approval letter prior to making an offer. Here’s why. Being intentional […]

Friday, January 21, 2022

Americans Choose Real Estate as the Best Investment [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights * According to a Gallup poll, real estate has been rated the best long-term investment for eight years in a row. * Real estate tops the list because you’re not just buying a place to call home – you’re investing in your future. Real estate is typically considered a stable and secure asset that can grow in value over time. * Let’s connect today if you’re ready to make real estate your best investment this year.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Buyers Want To Know: Why Is Housing Supply Still So Low?

One key question that’s top of mind for homebuyers this year is: why is it so hard to find a house to buy? The truth is, we’re in the ultimate sellers’ market, so real estate is ultra-competitive for buyers right now. The number of buyers searching for a home greatly outweighs how many homes are […]

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

With Mortgage Rates Climbing, Now’s the Time To Act

Last week, the average 30-year fixed mortgage rate from Freddie Mac jumped from 3.22% to 3.45%. That’s the highest point it’s been in almost two years. If you’re thinking about buying a home, this news may have come as a bit of a shock. But the truth is, it wasn’t entirely unexpected. Experts have been […]

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Sellers: Don’t Wait Until Spring To Make Your Move

As you plan out your goals for the year, moving up to your dream home may top the list. But, how do you know when to make your move? You want to time it just right so you can get the most out of the sale of your current house. You also want to know […]

Monday, January 17, 2022

Achieving the Dream of Homeownership

Homeownership has long been considered the American Dream, and it’s one every American should feel confident and powerful pursuing. But owning a home is also a deeply personal dream. Our home provides us with safety and security, and it’s a place where we can grow and flourish. Today, we remember the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, […]

Friday, January 14, 2022

When Is the Right Time To Sell [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights * If you’re trying to decide when to list your house, the time is now. There are plenty of buyers eagerly waiting for your home to hit the market. * The latest data indicates home showings are rising. There are more buyers than homes for sale right now. That means you’ll likely receive multiple offers, and your home won’t be on the market long. * Today’s market favors sellers. If you’re ready to move, let’s meet to discuss the benefits you can expect when you sell this season.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

What’s Going To Happen with Home Prices This Year?

After almost two years of double-digit increases, many experts thought home price appreciation would decelerate or happen at a slower pace in the last quarter of 2021. However, the latest Home Price Insights Report from CoreLogic indicates while prices may have plateaued, appreciation has definitely not slowed. The following graph shows year-over-year appreciation throughout 2021. […]

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Two Ways Homebuyers Can Win in Today’s Market

If your goal is to purchase a home this year, you might be looking for any advantage you can get in today’s sellers’ market. While competition is still fierce for homebuyers, there are ways you can win and secure the home of your dreams, even in a hot market. Act Early and Save The earlier […]

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Why Inflation Shouldn’t Stop You from Buying a Home in 2022

If you’re following along with the news today, you’re probably hearing a lot about record-breaking home prices, rising consumer costs, supply chain constraints, and more. And if you’re thinking about purchasing a home this year, all of these inflationary concerns are likely making you wonder if you should wait to buy. Investopedia explains that during […]

Monday, January 10, 2022

Real Estate Professionals Are Experts at Keeping You Safe When You Sell

If you’re on the fence about whether or not you want to sell your house this year, there’s good news. For nearly two years, real estate professionals have worked tirelessly to ensure the safety of buyers and sellers during the pandemic. Today, they’re seasoned experts, not just in the art of buying and selling homes, […]

Friday, January 7, 2022

How To Hit Your Homebuying Goals This Year [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights * If you’re looking to buy a home, you may want to put these items on your to-do list to ensure you hit your goals. * It’s important to start working on your credit and saving for a down payment early. When you’re ready to begin your search, work with a real estate professional and get pre-approved so you know how much you can borrow. * Connect with a real estate advisor so you have the guidance you need to achieve your homebuying goals this year.

Thursday, January 6, 2022

There Won’t Be a Wave of Foreclosures in the Housing Market

When mortgage forbearance plans were first announced and the pandemic surged through the country in early 2020, many homeowners were allowed to pause their mortgage payments. Some analysts were concerned that once the forbearance program ended, the housing market would experience a wave of foreclosures like what happened after the housing bubble 15 years ago. […]

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Why Waiting To Sell Your House Could Cost You a Small Fortune

Many homeowners who plan to sell in 2022 may think the wise thing to do is to wait for the spring buying market since historically about 40 percent of home sales occur between April and July. However, this year’s expected to be much different than the norm. Here are five reasons to list your house […]

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Avoid the Rental Trap in 2022

Are you one of the many renters thinking about where you’ll live the next time your lease is up? Before you decide whether to look for a new house or another apartment, it’s important to understand the true costs of renting in 2022. As a renter, you should know rents have been rising since 1988 […]

Monday, January 3, 2022

How Much Do You Need for Your Down Payment?

As you set out on your homebuying journey, you likely have a plan in place, and you’re working on saving for your purchase. But do you know how much you actually need for your down payment? If you think you have to put 20% down, you may have set your goal based on a common […]